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Speculum humanae salvationis
England, Yorkshire?, ca. 1400
MS M.766 fol. 43v

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Left column:
Christ: bearing Cross -- Christ, crossed nimbus, wearing crown of thorns, carries cross on left shoulder. Behind Him one of two men grasps loop of rope around His waist. Man before Christ, wearing armor raises hammer in right hand.
Caption, CHRISTUS BAIULABAT CRUCEM SUAM, is inscribed above scene.
Right column:
Abraham: sacrificing Isaac -- Isaac carries large bundle of wood on back, holding it with left hand. Scroll next to mouth is inscribed ECCE IGNIS ET LIGNU(M) UBI EST UICTIMA HOLOCAUSTI (Genesis 22:7). Abraham, name inscribed ABRAH(A)M, wearing hat, holds scimitar with right hand and torch with left hand; scroll surrounding his head is inscribed D(OMI)NE SIBI PROUIDEB(I)T UICTIMAM FILI MI (Genesis 22:8). Between them in bushes is ram, labelled ARIES. At upper right, wing and head of angel appears amid clouds saying ABRAHAM.
Caption, YSAAC PORTAT LIGNA SUA, is inscribed above scene.
Text reference, GENES(IS) 22, is in upper margin.

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