225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1420
M.374 fol. 140r
Within initial I, Giles of Provence (Egidius), nimbed and tonsured, wearing monk's habit, is seated holding in his lap doe, its body pierced by an arrow. Crozier is in crook of Giles' left arm; building and trees are behind him.
Red background decorated with gold scrollwork.
Beginning of Collect for feast of Giles of Provence (Egidius), 09.01.
Virgin Mary: Birth -- Within initial S, Anna, nimbed, wearing headdress and wimple, reclining in draped bed with canopy, extends her hands toward swaddled infant Mary, nimbed and crowned, held by midwife wearing headdress.
Beginning of Introit for feast of the birth of Virgin Mary, 09.08.
Margins decorated with border of floreate rinceaux, some emerging from ends of vertical bars.
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