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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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England, perhaps London, ca. 1470
MS M.126 fol. 122r

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Confessio Amantis: Scene, Tereus cutting out Tongue of Philomela and Scene, Procne deceiving Tereus -- At left, Tereus, wearing tall brimless hat and fur lined tunic, holding knife with right hand, and neck of Philomela with left hand cuts off her tongue. Philomela, with joined hands, wearing gown lined with vair, kneels (?) beside him. At right, Tereus, crowned, raising right hand, wearing vair lined tunic, stands at head of draped trestle table on which is knife, cups, and covered vessel; another covered vessel falls to floor. Beside the table, woman, possibly Procne, wearing turban type of headdress and vair lined gown, holds platter on which is object. She is flanked by Philomela and another woman, one wearing tall henin with veil and fur lined gown, and the other wearing butterfly headdress and gown lined with vair. Three gold birds fly in background; two statues holding spears, stand on pedestals.
Scene in room with decorated walls, wood ceiling, and tile floor.
Champie initial T with spray-work.

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