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Compilatio historiarum / Giovanni, da Udine
Switzerland, Basel, ca. 1476
MS M.158 fol. 27v

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Miniature, upper left: 1) Rebecca: sought in Marriage -- Eleazer, wearing hat over hood and with pouch and tools fastened to belt, holds spear with left hand and extends right hand to pitcher extended in right hand of Rebecca, gathering garment in left hand. Above the Eleazar is inscribed PAUXILLU(M) AQ(UAE) P(RE)BE M(IHI) AD BIB(EN)DU(M) from (Genesis 24: 17) and above the Rebecca is inscribed BIBE D(OMI)NE MI QUI(N) ET ... CAMEL(IS) HAURIAM from (Genesis 24:18-19, variant). At right is wellhead below pulley around which is rope; bucket hangs from the end of the rope. Miniature, lower left: 2) Christ: Nativity and Shepherds Annunciation -- Virgin Mary, name inscribed MARIA, nimbed, with joined hands raised, kneels before nude Christ Child, cross-nimbed, partly reclining on blanket, extending right hand, both accompanied by Joseph the Carpenter, name inscribed IOSEPH, wearing hat, partly kneeling, with right hand holding candle and with left hand leaning on staff. All before shed with wattle-fence enclosing ox and ass. In background, flying angel, extends right forefinger, descending to shepherd, wearing hat, raising right hand and with left hand holding pedum, leaning on tree and looking up, amid flock of ten sheep. Cross-surmounted churches and buildings in far distance. Miniature, upper right: 3) Joseph: as Interpreter of Dreams -- Amid grape vines, butler, wearing hat with pouch and tools fastened to belt, sits on bench, feet chained and locked together in stocks, extending left hand to chalice beneath bunch of grapes. Miniature, lower right: 4) Aaron: Blossoming Rod -- Flowering tree flanked by ten rods. Miniatures for Richel’s Spiegel der Menschlichen Behältnis (Basel: 1476) with biblical quotes, commentary and abbreviated extracts, in Latin and German, of Chapters 7 (Rebecca: sought in Marriage) and 8 in the Speculum Humanae Salvationis.

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