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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, Rouen, ca. 1500
MS H.1 fol. 24v

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Tower of Babel: Building -- Nimrod, inscribed NA(M)BROTH, wearing helmet and armor, holding halberd with right hand, raising left hand to helmet, stands looking at tower. Inscription at his feet not legible. Of five men on top of tower, wearing hats, two hold hands to ears, one holds rope of hoist, another guides stone held by hoist, one stands next to treadwheel, and the fifth stands on platform, looking upward, raising both hands. Other men are inside the tower, visible at windows or emerging from doors, one with hands raised. In foreground are dressed stones, other stones in basket, man wearing hat lifting dressed stone, and man wearing hat, holding shovel (spade) next to shallow square basin.
At upper left, half-figure of God, raising right hand in blessing, holding globe with left hand, appears in cloud-edged arc of Heaven. Angel hovers above the tower.

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