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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Cas des nobles hommes et femmes malheureux
France, probably Tours, ca. 1480
MS G.35 fol. 168r

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Three scenes in continuous narrative:
1) De Casibus Virorum Illustrium: Scene, Antiochus Hierax fighting Seleucus Callinicus -- Antiochus, crowned, wearing armor, holding shield, seated astride caparisoned horse, upon which is inscribed ANTHIOCHUS, with lance strikes shield of Seleucus, crowned, wearing armor, seated astride caparisoned horse, upon which is inscribed SELEUCUS. Behind both are armies of helmeted soldiers, some mounted, some with horns, banners, spears, and swords. In foreground are three soldiers killing two fallen, bleeding soldiers, all amid bleeding fallen soldiers and severed heads.
2) De Casibus Virorum Illustrium: Scene, Death of Antiochus Hierax -- Antiochus Hierax, with name inscribed, falling, bleeding, is grasped by two robbers, wearing ragged clothes, including one stabbing him in the neck. A third robber holds reins of horse. Antiochus' crown lies on ground amid tree stumps in background.
3) De Casibus Virorum Illustrium: Scene, Death of Seleucus Callinicus -- Seleucus, with name inscribed, crowned, falls headfirst from his horse. A man, on horseback, is behind him. Scene in landscape with hills, trees, and distant buildings.
Margins with floreate and ivy-rinceaux ornament.

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