225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, Saint-Omer, between 1320 and 1329
MS M.754 fol. 26v
Decorated initial Q of Invitatory, Qui se manducantibus dat spiritus, enclosing bust of hooded, tonsured monk.
Decorated initial Q of Invitatory Psalm 95:10 (Vulg., 94:10), Quadraginta annis proximus, enclosing head of male figure.
Two decorated initials X, and H enclosing hybrid animal.
Upper and lower margins decorated with rectilinear bars.
Margin, upper, inhabited by two hybrid animals.
Margin, left, inhabited by two hybrid men, one with long neck, winged, the other as soldier wearing helmet and ailettes.
Margin, lower, inhabited by hybrid soldier wearing chain mail, with one leg over spear, exposing anus, and hybrid man with one animal leg, wearing fillet, phallus at face (Obscaena).
Line ending decorated.
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