225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
Belgium, Bruges, mid 15th century
MS M.385. Fol. 027v
Left column:
Christ: Crucifixion --Christ, crossed nimbus, eyes shut, head slightly inclined, wearing short loincloth, bleeding from wounds in hands, side and feet, is affixed with three nails to cross with titulus INRI. Scroll from the right side of His head is inscribed C(ON)SU(M)ATU(M) EST (John 19:30); from the left side is scroll inscribed P(ATE)R I(N) MAN(US) T(UAS) [COMMENDO] S(PIRITU)M (Luke 23:46). Stephaton pierces His side with spear. Scroll next to Stephaton is inscribed ALIOS SALUOS FECIT SEIP(SU)M N(ON) P(OTES)T SALUU(M) FACE(RE) (Mark 25:31). At left are two other men, one wearing hat next to scroll inscribed SI FILI(US) DEI E(S) D(ESCE)NDAT (Matthew 27:42, variant). To right of the cross, two of three men stand next to scrolls inscribed UACH Q(UI) D(E)ST(RU)IT TE(M)PLU(M) ET POSTQUAM T(ERCIAM) RE(E)DIFICAT (Mark 15:29, variant) and CO(N)FIDIT I(N) DEU(M) LIBE(RE)T EU(M) NU(N)C S(I) U(UL)T SI R(E)X ISR(AE)L E(ST) D(ESCE)NDAT(Matthew 27:42, 43).
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