225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
England, Yorkshire?, ca. 1400
MS M.766 fol. 48v
Left column:
Christ: Bewailing -- Christ, crossed nimbus, body wrapped in shroud, reclines in sarcophagus, Virgin Mary, no nimbus, veiled, holding His head, and another woman, probably Holy Woman, no nimbus, veiled, holding His foot. Joseph of Arimathea, hands raised, Evangelist John, nimbed, hands clasped on breast, and Nicodemus (?), wearing soft peaked hat, hands on breast, all stand behind the sarcophagus.
Caption, MARIA PLANXIT SUP(ER) EX[S]EQUIAS FILII SUI, is inscribed above scene.
Right column:
David: mourning for Abner -- David, crowned, raising right hand, follows behind two men carrying draped coffin, two poles resting on their shoulders.
Caption, DAVID PLANXIT SUP(ER) EX[S]EQUIAS ABNER, is inscribed above scene.
Text reference, SECUNDO REGUM PRIMO, is in upper margin.
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