225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
England, Yorkshire?, ca. 1400
MS M.766 fol. 49v
Left column, four registers:
1) Busts of eight men, nimbed, two holding books, and one woman, nimbed and veiled below caption ISTE EST INFERNUS S(AN)C(T)O(RUM) Q(UI) DICIT(US) LIMB(US) (UE)L SIN(US) ABRAHE (Limbo ?).
2) Busts of eight men and two women, all nude, below caption ISTE EST INFERNUS PURGATO(RUM) UEL PURGATORIUM (Purgatory ?).
3) Busts of seven men and one woman, nude, one raising right hand, below caption ISTE EST INFERNUS PUER(ORUM) NON BAPTIZATO(RUM) ET INCIRCUMCISO(RUM) (Limbo ?).
4) Half figures of four devils, one with horns, below caption ISTE EST INFERNUS DAMPNATO(RUM) ET DYABOLO(RUM) (Hell).
Right column:
Hebrews Three: Moist Wind in Fiery Furnace -- Half figures of three Hebrews, nude, with joined hands appear amid flames in opening of furnace or oven, with chimneys from which flames emerge. Angel, nimbed, arms extended stands behind the three figures.
Caption, ANGELUS DOMINI REFRIGERAUIT TRES PU(ER)OS IN IGNE, is inscribed above scene.
Text reference, DANIELUS TERTIO, is in upper margin.
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