225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Compilatio historiarum / Giovanni, da Udine
Switzerland, Basel, ca. 1476
MS M.158 fol. 32v
Miniature, upper left: 1) David: rebuked by Nathan -- David, wearing crown and with pouch and knife fastened to belt, gestures toward Nathan, wearing hat, with raised hands. Miniature, lower left: 2) Christ: delivering Adulteress -- Woman, wearing headdress, with arms crossed at waist, is led by man, wearing headgear, and two other bearded men, wearing hats, the central man holding three stones, all look toward Christ, cross-nimbed, lowering right hand to indicate six stones on ground. Miniature, upper right: 3) Christ: Miracle of Loaves -- Two nimbed apostles gesture, look toward Christ, cross-nimbed, crossing left hand on breast, accompanied by three men, two wearing hats, in foreground, beside the Christ is basket laden with round loaves and two fish. Miniature, lower right: 4) Christ: Transfiguration -- Christ, cross-nimbed, raises right hand and with left hand gathers garment, flanked by horned Moses, raising right hand and with left hand holding tablet with pseudo-inscriptions, and by Abraham, wearing veiled headgear, gesturing. In foreground, three nimbed apostles, including Apostles Peter, James and John, possibly seated, gesture among themselves. Miniatures for Richel’s Spiegel der Menschlichen Behältnis (Basel: 1476) with biblical quotes, commentary and abbreviated extracts, in German, for an extended Chapter 14 in the Speculum Humanae Salvationis.
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