225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
England and France, London, between 1255 and 1260
MS M.524 fol. 3v
1) Apocalypse: Winds restrained -- Mandorla encloses cross-surmounted ship on sea, inscribed MARE, and land with two trees (cosmos), inscribed ORBIS TERRE. It is surrounded by half figures of four angels, pearled nimbi, on clouds, each covering mouth of head of Personification of Wind. Flanking them are Evangelist John, pearled nimbus, bearded, holding staff in right hand, and angel, pearled nimbus, beside flaming sun, inscribed ORTUS SOLIS, rising. John holds scroll, inscribed VIDI QUATUOR ANGELOS STANTES SUPER QUATUOR ANGULOS TENENTES QUATUOR VENTOS NE FLARENT SUPER TERRAM ET MARE ET IN VLLAM ARBOREM based on Revelation 7:1, in his left hand. The angel holds scroll, inscribed NOLI NOCERE T(ER)RE ET MARI NEQUE ARBORIBUS QUO AD USQUE SIGNEM(US) SERUOS DIE N(OST)RI IN FRONTIBUS EORUM from Revelation 7:3.
Illustration of Revelation 7:1-3.
2) Apocalypse: John and Elder -- Crowned Elder points to scroll, inscribed HI QUI AMICTI SUNT STOLIS ALBIS QUI SUNT ET UNDE UENERUNT from Revelation 7:13, and HI SUNT QUI UENERUNT EX MAGNA TRIBULATIONE ET LAUERUNT STOLAS SUAS IN SANGUINE AGNI based on Revelation 7:14. He holds right arm of John, name inscribed SCS IOH(ANNE)S, pearled nimbus, bearded, holding staff in right hand and scroll, inscribed DOMINE MI TU SCIS from Revelation 7:14, in raised left hand.
Apocalypse: Lamb, Adoration by Multitude -- To right, Lamb, cross-nimbed, holds bannered cross-staff, standing on arc beside Christ, pearled crossed nimbus, with His right hand raised in blessing and book in His left hand. He sits on the arc, with His feet on footstool and tripartite globe. Both are in mandorla, from which emerge four Beasts of Apocalypse, each with pearled nimbus, holding book, two opened. All are flanked by two groups of half figures of nimbed angels on clouds, above two groups of crowned Elders on clouds. Below, half figures of ten Elect Martyrs holding palms, on clouds.
Illustration of Revelation 7:9-17.
Initials and explanatory inscriptions of text and commentary.
Framed illustrations.
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