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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, perhaps Paris, ca. 1465
MS M.1027 fol. 85r

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Christ: Nativity -- Nude Christ Child, crossed nimbus, right hand to face, reclines amid rays on hem of garment of Virgin Mary, nimbed, kneeling with joined hands, looking down toward Him. Joseph the Carpenter, wearing purse at waist, hands extended, kneels at right. Ox and bridled ass are in background. Two monks (?), wearing cowls, with joined hands, look on from behind wattle fence. Rays descend from star toward Christ Child.
Scene before building with ruined thatched roof; another similar building in background.
Initial D decorated with foliate ornament.
Margins decorated with border of foliate and floreate ornament including fern, columbine, and viola. In right margin, scroll inscribed with motto of Benoît Damian, DE SURPLUS.

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