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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Vita S. Benedicti
Italy, perhaps in Padua, ca. 1450
MS M.184 fol. 2v

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Benedict of Montecassino: Scene, at School -- Youthful Benedict of Montecassino, nimbed, wearing short tunic, extends left hand to book held in right hand (reading), indicated by right hand of male attendant, wearing hat, both before bearded schoolmaster, wearing veiled headgear, seated on throne. To left, among 14 male youths, many seated on bench, six hold or read from books, two engage in dispute. Scene in school interior with arched windows and wooden ceiling. Miniature within architectural frame, for beginning of Prologue of Book II of Dialogues. Decorated initial A enclosing Gregory the Great, nimbed, wearing triple-crowned papal tiara and vestments, seated on high-backed chair at desk, with pen in right hand writes on scroll with pseudo-inscriptions, and with left hand holds scraper. Miniature for beginning of Prologue of Book II of Dialogues.

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