225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
De sphaera mundi
Italy, Naples, last quarter of 15th century
MS M.426 fol. 8r
Diagram: Scientific -- Diagram composed of concentric circles, the inner circles colored and the outer circles inscribed with stars. The circles are labeled; from the outside to the inside, the circles are inscribed: 1) PRIMO MOBILE OU[ER]O NONO CELO; 2) OCTAUA SPERA; 3) SPERA DE SATURNO; 4) SPERA DE IOUE; 5) SPERA DE MARTE; 6) SPERA DEL SOLE; 7) SPERA DE VENERE; 8) SPERA DE MERCURIO; 9) SPERA DE LUNA; 10) SPERA DE DEI ... (sic); 11) SPERA DEL FIERE (sic); 12) DE LARGNA (sic). Above the diagram is inscribed DIUISIONE SECONDO SUBSTANTIA IN NOUI SPERE.
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