225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Spain, perhaps in Tábara, ca. 940-945
MS M.644 fol. 178v
Apocalypse: Earth, Harvest; and Apocalypse: Earth, Vintage -- Nimbed and crowned angel holding sickle, standing on cloud, inscribed HIC ANGELUS SEDET SUPER NUBEM ALBAM HABENS FALCEM, addressed by nimbed angel, inscribed SECUNDUS ANGELUS; to right, nimbed angel inscribed TERTIUS ANGELUS, holding pruning hook, coming out of architectural fram representing temple; below, nimbed angel, flames coming out of hands, standing on altar; inscription ISTE ANGELUS HABENS POTESTATEM SUPER IGNEM; below, two nimbed men reaping grain with sickles; inscription UBI METENT MESSEM TERRE; to right, two nimbed men with pruning hooks, gathering grapes from vine; inscription UITIS; below, city gate, inscribed CIUITATIS; to right, two horses standing in wine press operated by man; inscription UBI CALCATUM EST TORCULAR EXTRA CIUITATEM ET EXIIT SANGUIS DE TORCULARI USQUE AD FRENOS EQUORUM.
Illustration for Revelation 14:14-20.
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