225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, Paris, 1490-1500
MS M.7 fol. 33r
Christ: among Doctors -- Virgin Mary, nimbed, veiled, and Joseph the Carpenter, nimbed, stand behind Christ Child, with crossed nimbus, standing in pulpit, gesturing with right hand toward group of doctors, wearing hats, including one seated on hassock or stool. Scene in room with marble paneling and floor.
Margins decorated with floreate ornament. Amid floreate ornament are five scrolls inscribed 1) JE TIENS DE DIEV; 2) PAIX SOIT EN TERRE; 3) TENEZ NOVS EN PAIX; 4) CE QVE VEVT DIEV SOIT FAIT; and 5) VNG SEVL DIEV TV AIMERAS.
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