225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
Germany, probably Nuremberg, between 1350 and 1400
MS M.140 fol. 36v
Left column:
Pentecost -- Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, with hands joined (?), is flanked by eight apostles, six nimbed, one tonsured, two only partially visible. They sit below rays terminating with tongues of fire, one touching each head.
Caption, SPC [SPIRITUS] S(AN)C(TU)S DATUR ET INTELLIGENCIA DIU(ER)SA(RUM) LIGNA(RUM), is inscribed above miniature.
Right column:
Tower of Babel: Building -- Head of Christ-Logos, crossed nimbus, appears in cloud edged arc of Heaven above tower of Babel next to scroll inscribed CO(N)FU(N)AMUS LI(N)GUAS EORUM UT NON AUDIAT UNUSQ(UI)S Q(UE) P(RO)XIMI SUI UOCEM (Genesis 11:7). The tower is flanked by two men holding hammers, one also holding straight-edge or level. Man carrying basin or basket on shoulder mounts ladder. Man on ground uses trowel to mix mortar.
Caption, TURRIS BABYLONIS UBI F(A)C(T)AM E(ST) CO(N)FUSIO LINGUA(RUM), is inscribed above miniature.
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