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Speculum humanae salvationis
England, Yorkshire?, ca. 1400
MS M.766 fol. 56v

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Left column:
Virgin Mary: Consolation -- Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, hands crossed on breast, stands amid representations of events in life of Christ including: angel, winged, wearing fillet, above inscription CIUITAS NAZARETH (suggesting Virgin Mary: Annunciation); heads of ass and ox above inscription BETHLEEM (suggesting Christ: Nativity); leg with foot in basin and chalice surmounted by cross inscribed host above inscription CENAC(U)L(U)M IN IER(USA)L(E)M (suggesting Christ: Washing of Feet and Christ Last Supper); three trees above inscription ORT(US) I(N) Q(U)O CAPT(US) E(ST) DO(MINUS) (suggesting Christ: in Gethsemane and Christ: Arrest); head of Christ, crossed nimbus, with blindfold above inscription DOM(US) CAYPHE (suggesting Christ: mocked); column with crown of thorns flanked by two scourges above inscription PRETORIU(M) PILATI (suggesting Christ: Flagellation); cross with three nails flanked by spear and sponge with reed in container above inscription LOC(US) CALUARIE (suggesting Christ: Crucifixion); floreate cross standing in empty sarcophagus above inscription SEPULCRUM DOMINI (suggesting Christ: Resurrection); stone with imprint of outline of two feet above inscription ASCENCIO D(OMI)NI (suggesting Christ: Ascension).
Caption, CONSOLAC(I)O BEATE UIRGINIS POST ASCENC(I)O(N)EM DO(MIN)I, is inscribed above scene.
Right column:
Tobias: mourned by Mother and Tobias: departing with Raphael -- Tobit, name inscribed THOBIAS, wearing hat, eyes shut, holds staff with left hand, standing next to scroll inscribed NOLI FLERE SALU(US) REUERTETUR AD TE FILI(US) TU(US) (Tobit 5:26). Anna, veiled, kneels before Tobit next to scroll inscribed BAC(U)L(U)M SENECTUTIS N(OST)RE TRANSTULISTI A NOB(IS) NU(N)Q(UA)M FUISS(ET) PECUNIA ILLA P(RO) QUA MISTI EUM (Tobit 5:24). At right, Tobias, wearing hat, carrying sack over right shoulder, holding pedum (?) with left hand walks behind Raphael, wearing hat, right hand on breast, indicating with left hand. Dog, inscribed ROBYU (?) walks next to them.
Caption, ANNA TURBAT(UR) P(ER) ABSENCIA FILII SUI S(ICU)T ET MAR(IA), is inscribed above scene.
Text reference, THOBIE II, is in upper margin.

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