225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Italy, ca. 1260-1270
MS M.933 fol. 24r
Christ: Nativity -- Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, semi-reclines on red mattress next to manger in which Christ Child, crossed nimbus, swaddled, reclines. Ox and ass are behind the manger. On other side of Mary are two shepherds, raising left hands, looking toward her. (Shepherds: Adoration) Dog and six sheep are before them. At feet of shepherds, youth sits cross-legged, blowing horn; at right, Joseph the Carpenter, nimbed, sits resting head on right hand; and man raises both hands. Above are two angels, nimbed, one indicating the shepherds (Shepherds: Annunciation).
Scene, Secular: Bathing -- Below, in interior with curtained entrance at left, nude Christ Child, nimbed, stands below double arch in large footed basin, flanked by two midwives, one holding pitcher, the other grasping His left arm with both hands. Another pitcher is at left.
All within initial P. In descender of P are five compartments enclosing part of Jesse tree comprised of King, probably David, and four other men, all nimbed, all holding books. Lower margin of folio trimmed away, possibly removing more of the descender.
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