225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Vitae patrum
Italy, Naples, between 1350 and 1375
MS M.626 fol. 37r
John of Lycopolis: Scene, Refuge in Monastery -- John of Lycopolis, nimbed, tonsured, wearing monk’s habit, with sack slung over right shoulder embracing monk, wearing cap, accompanied by five other tonsured monks, two hooded, all wearing monk’s habits, and before open door of monastery.
At far right, John of Lycopolis, nimbed, tonsured, wearing monk’s habit, raising right hand to face within hermit’s cell.
Scenes in landscape amid trees.
Illustration of Rufinus of Aquileia, Historia Monachorum in Aegypto, Chapter 1.
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