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Vita S. Benedicti
Italy, perhaps in Padua, ca. 1450
MS M.184 fol. 40r

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Benedict of Montecassino: Vision of Scholastica -- Emerging from arched portal at left, three nuns, wearing wimpled veils and habits, the foremost reading from open book, stand beside cat and draped table, laden with two covered vessels, two knives, three dishes, four round loaves and other objects and food (banquet scene). Seated on bench behind the table, are Scholastica and Benedict of Montecassino, both with rayed nimbi, the Scholastica, wearing wimpled veil and habit, with joined hands raised looks toward the Benedict, bearded, wearing hooded monk’s habit, raising both hands. To right, two tonsured monks, wearing habits, one raises right hand and looks out arched portal toward foliate cloud from which rain falls. Scene in monastery interior with two arched portals and wooden ceiling. Miniature within frame at end of Chapter 33 of Book II of Dialogues; Scholastica of Montecassino, prayed that Benedict of Montecassino might be detained of rain for she had a vision that her death was near.

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