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Vita S. Benedicti
Italy, perhaps in Padua, ca. 1450
MS M.184 fol. 43v

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Benedict of Montecassino: Scene, Death and Scene, Soul borne to Heaven -- Six flying angels surround nimbed soul of Benedict of Montecassino, tonsured, wearing monk’s habit, all with joined hands raised, emitting rays, and ascending in trail of lit lamps and cloths issuing from monastery window at left. Below on ground, one tonsured monk, wearing habit, raises left hand to head, looking up, beside bearded man, gesturing to another tonsured monk, wearing habit, orant. In background, on far shore of stream, two griffins are on rocky ledge, and on another ledge, shepherd, wearing hood, with knife tied on belt, falls to ground beside staff, raising left arm to shield eyes, and two other men near cross-surmounted church entrance gesture and raise hands, amid flock of sheep and shepherd’s dog. Scene in hilly landscape with plants including cattails. Miniature within frame at middle of Chapter 37 of Book II of Dialogues; Benedict of Montecassino dies and is ecsorted to heaven by angels.

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