225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Bologna, Italy, ca. 1270
MS G.38.I, fol. 069r
Moses: teaching at Jordan River -- Moses, pearled nimbus, touching water with rod in right hand, raising left hand, stands next to tree on bank by river. Opposite, of four soldiers, two bend over extending basins in left hands toward the water.
All within initial H at beginning of Deuteronomy.
In center margin, next to initial, in decorated vertical bar, animal head, open mouth showing teeth, biting head of tonsured cleric, raising right hand in blessing. Below, bar issues from open mouth of animal showing teeth.
In lower margin, half-figures of two men, cling to foliate vines with one hand, and with other hand pierce mouth of open fish, one showing teeth, enclosed in foliate medallions.
Pen-flourished initial A.
(8 of 93)