225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
Germany, probably Nuremberg, between 1350 and 1400
MS M.140 fol. 43r
Left column:
Christ: Parable, Wise and Foolish Virgins -- Above, five wise virgins, labelled Q(UI)NQ(UE) PRUDENTES, crowned, holding lamps upright with left hands face left; below, five foolish virgins, labelled Q(UI)NQ(UE) FATUE, holding overturned lamps with right hands, left hands to their faces, turn right.
Caption, SIMILE E(ST) REGNU(M) CELO(RUM) DECE(M) U(IR)GI(NI)B(US), is inscribed above miniature.
Right column:
Daniel: reproving Belshazzar -- Daniel, name inscribed DANIEL, wearing hood, gesturing with both hands, stands looking toward Belshazzar, name inscribed REX BALTHASAR, crowned, raising right hand, gesturing with left, sitting on throne with cushioned seat and with footrest. At upper left is hand labelled MAN(US) D(OMI)NI.
Caption, MANE TECHEL PHARES, is inscribed above miniature.
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