225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Vitae patrum
Italy, Naples, between 1350 and 1375
MS M.626 fol. 43v
Amoun the Hermit: Scene, encountering Dragon and Dragon overcoming Intruders -- Amoun the Hermit, nimbed, tonsured, accompanied by group of tonsured monks, all wearing monk’s habits, gesturing, the Amoun raising his right hand toward half-figure of winged dragon, from mouth issuing flames, emerging beneath arch. To right, before open door of cross-surmounted monastery, winged dragon, issuing flames from mouth, confronting two soldiers, helmeted, carrying shields and spears and with swords tied to waists, both falling to ground.
Illustration of Rufinus of Aquileia, Historia Monachorum in Aegypto, Chapter 8.
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