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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1460
M.387 fol. 78v

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Apostle, Peter: receiving Keys -- Christ, crossed nimbus, raising left hand, holding key with right hand, stands next to scroll inscribed ET TIBI DABO CLAUES REGNI CELORUM ET Q(UOD)CU(M)Q(UE) LIGAU(ERIS) (Matthew 16:19). Peter, nimbed, wearing ermine lined cloak, extends right hand toward the key, holding book with draped left hand. Six other apostles, nimbed, stand behind Peter, one with arms crossed on breast, and Evangelist John holding book with left hand.
Scene in landscape with trees, birds flying overhead, and with buildings in background.
Margins decorated with floreate border inhabited by two birds. Three scrolls inscribed QUE(M) DICUNT HO(M)I(N)ES E(SS)E FILIUM HO(MIN)IS AUTE(M) Q(UEM) ESSE DIXIT PETRO (Matthew 16:13, 15, variant); DATA EST IN CELO ET IN TERRA POTESTAS MATH(EUS) XXUIII (Matthew 28:18); TU ES CHRISTUS FILIUS DEI UIUI (Matthew 16:16)

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