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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Speculum humanae salvationis
Germany, probably Nuremberg, between 1350 and 1400
MS M.140 fol. 50r

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Left column:
Christ: Nativity -- Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, with joined hands raised, kneels looking down at Christ Child, crossed nimbus, swaddled reclining in manger on slope of hillock. Heads of ass and ox appear behind the hillock, mouths open near His nimbus. Joseph the Carpenter, nimbed, resting right hand on crutch, sits at lower right looking up at Mary.
Caption, SECU(N)DUM GAUDIUM B(EAT)E MARIE, is inscribed above miniature.
Right column:
Virgin Mary: Visitation -- Virgin Mary nimbed and veiled, and Elizabeth, nimbed, wearing wimpled veil, embrace.
Caption, T(ER)TIUM GAUDIUM, is inscribed above miniature.

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