225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
Belgium, Bruges, mid 15th century
MS M.385. Fol. 050r
Left column:
Virgin Mary: Visitation --Virgin Mary, inscribed MARIA, nimbed, extends left hand toward Elizabeth, inscribed ELIZABETH, nimbed and veiled with wimple, grasping left arm of Mary with her right hand and extending left hand. Scroll next to head of Virgin Mary is inscribed MAGNIFICAT A(N)I(M)A MEA D(OMIN)UM (Luke 1:46); scroll next to head of Elizabeth is inscribed B(E)N(E)DICTA TU I(N) M(U)LIE(RIBUS) ET B(E)N(E)D(IC)T(US) FRUCT(US) UE(N)TR(IS) TUI ET UNDE HO(C) MICHI ET C(ETERA) (Luke 1:42-43).
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