225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
England and France, London, between 1255 and 1260
MS M.524 fol. 5v
1) Apocalypse: Trumpet V, Locust Plague -- Five locusts, represented as winged, human-headed horses, with bit and bridles in mouths, follow angel Apollyon, winged, wearing pointed hat and holding up fleur-de-lis. He is mounted on locust, represented as winged, human-headed horse, wearing hat.
Illustration of Revelation 9:4-12.
2) Apocalypse: Trumpet VI, Angels at Euphrates -- The sixth angel, pearled nimbus, holds with right hand scroll, inscribed SOLUE QUATUOR ANGELOS QUI ALLIGATI SUNT IN FLUMINE MAGNO EUPHRATE from Revelation 9:14, and ET SOLUTI SU(N)T QUATUOR ANG(E)LI QUI PARATI ERA(N)T IN HORAM ET DIE(M) MENSEM ET ANNUM UT OCCIDERE(N)T T(ER)TIA(M) PARTEM HOMINUM from Revelation 9:15. With left hand, he blows trumpet toward cloud-edged arc of heaven enclosing draped altar, from which issues inscribed scroll. Four angels, wearing armor, armed with sword, axe, pitchfork, and pick-axe, stand on river Euphrates, inscribed EUF(R)ATES FLUUIUS.
Illustration of Revelation 9:13-15.
Explanatory inscriptions of text and commentary.
Framed illustrations.
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