225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Vita Christi (Life of Christ)
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1440
MS M.649 fol. 5v
Zone 1:
1) Christ: Deposition -- Christ, cross nimbed, with five wounds, wearing short loin cloth, lies on wrapping sheet, his torso supported by Joseph of Arimathea. Behind them are Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, hands joined, and Evangelist John, nimbus of rays, his right hand raised, his left hand touching shoulder of Christ. Other end of wrapping sheet is held by Nicodemus, standing before another man holding long rod, possibly Longinus, holding spear. Ladder leans against right arm of cross, with titulus inscribed INRI; three nails are in place on cross; bones, skull, and pincers are on ground.
2) Jacob: shown Coat of Joseph -- Jacob, left hand raised, right hand resting on thigh, name inscribed IACOB on scroll, is seated on bench on platform. Before him, two of six men hold tunic.
Zone 2:
1) Christ: Entombment -- Christ, cross nimbed, and wrapped in shroud, is lying in sarcophagus, behind which are three Marys, veiled, two with nimbi of rays, one nimbed, one raising right hand, another with hands joined, and the third holding covered jar with draped hand. With them is Evangelist John, nimbed, his left hand indicating woman on his right. Two men before tomb hold lid with ropes or chains.
2) Jonah: cast overboard -- From ship with sail, two men hold Jonah, name inscribed IONAS on scroll, by his legs as he goes head first into mouth of whale emerging from water.
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