225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Psalter-Hours of Guiluys de Boisleux
France, Arras, after 1246
MS M.730 fol. 53v
1) David: at Engedi (Saul within the Cave, and David cutting Saul's Robe) -- Emerging from mouth of cave, three soldiers in chain mail, accompany David, in chain mail, with sword cutting off mantle of Saul, crowned, in chain mail with spurs, seated on edge of rock, baring his trousers, relieving himself, and holding staff in left hand and reins of saddled horse facing him. Behind mount is group of helmeted soldiers in chain mail, armed with lances, some with shields, all mounted.
Illustration of I Samuel 24:1-5.
2) David: at Engedi (David displaying Saul's Robe) -- Six mounted soldiers, wearing chain mail, armed with lances, one with shield, all accompany mounted David, wearing chain mail and spurs, armed with bannered lance, showing piece of mantle. All follow mounted Saul, crowned, wearing chain mail and spurs, armed with bannered lance and shield decorated with dragon, looking back at the David, accompanied by seven mounted soldiers, wearing helmets and chain mail, armed with lances, departing to right.
Illustration of I Samuel 24:9-12.
3) David: Oath to Saul, and David: departing from Saul -- Attended by eight mounted soldiers in chain mail, armed with lances, some with shields, David, in chain mail, armed with bannered lance, mounted, extends right hand grasped by right hand of Saul, crowned, wearing tunic and mantle, armed with bannered lance, mounted, looking back at the David, accompanied by six mounted soldiers wearing helmets and chain mail, armed with lances, two looking back, all departing to right.
Illustration of I Samuel 24:22.
4) David: Servants sent to Nabal -- Attended by five mounted soldiers in chain mail, armed with lances and shields, David, in chain mail, armed with bannered lance in left hand, mounted, extends right hand toward seven mounted soldiers in chain mail, armed with lances, two with banners, three looking back, all departing to right.
Illustration of I Samuel 25:5-8.
Scenes with gold backgrounds, within decorated frames.
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