225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Spain, Valencia, ca. 1468
M.450 fol. 83v
Virgin Mary, crowned, extends right index finger to chin of Christ Child, crossed nimbus. She is seated on two cushions before cloth of honor, holding with left hand, partially nude Christ Child, grasping her right wrist with His right hand, holding disk (?) with His left hand. They are flanked by two angels, nimbed, holding the cloth of honor; busts of three kings, crowned, emerging from flowers, one playing rebec, the others holding scepters with right hands; and half-figures of two kings, nimbed, at her feet, each raising hand, supporting scepter with same arm. Winged head is between the two kings. Virgin Mary looks down toward monk as donor, tonsured, holding rosary with raised joined hands, wearing white habit of Carthusian, kneeling at lower right, looking up toward her.
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