225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
Germany, probably Nuremberg, between 1350 and 1400
MS M.140 fol. 11r
Left column:
Aaron: Blossoming Rod -- Center rod of ten (sic) rods has blossomed with leaves and fruit or flowers.
Caption, UIRGA AARON FLORUIT (CON)TRA N(ATUR)AM U(IR)TUTE D(IU)INA, is inscribed above scene.
Right column:
Augustus: Prophecy of Sibyl -- Augustus, crowned, holding scepter with right hand, raising left hand, is seated on throne, decorated with architectural ornament. He looks toward sibyl, seated on throne, decorated with architectural ornament, indicating with right hand, up toward medallion enclosing Christ Child, crossed nimbus, arms extended to Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, holding Him with right hand. Personification of sun is above the sibyl.
Caption, SIBILLA UIDIT U(IR)GI(N)EM CU(M) PU(ER)O I(N) CIR(CU)LO IUX(TA) SOLEM, is inscribed above scene.
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