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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Roman de la Rose
France, Paris, between 1340 and 1350
MS M.48 fol. 37r

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Roman de la Rose: Wheel of Fortune -- Personification of Fortune, crowned, blindfolded, stands with hands turning spokes of wheel around which are four male figures, the first ascending the rim, the second as crowned king, seated with legs crossed on top, the third descending the rim, and the fourth, partly nude, wearing loin cloth, recumbent, grasping the bottom rim.
Figures against gold background within pink and blue frame of miniature decorated with foliate tendrils on two sides.
Above miniature, rubric caption of scene, CO(M)MENT FORTUNE EST EN SA ROE LES YEX BE(N)DES ET LA TOURNE TOUT A SA UOLENTE.
Below miniature, champide initial C of Car decorated with foliate ornament and tendrils, at beginning of text, CAR LA DEBONNAIRE ET LA MOLE / LEUR VIE(N)T ET LEZ BOULE ET AFOLE.

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