225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, Paris, ca. 1440
M.303 fol. 134v
Christ: Entombment -- Body of Christ, wearing diaphanous loincloth, is supported by two boards across open top of sarcophagus. Joseph of Arimathea, wearing hat, holds head of Christ. Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, her right hand on His chest, grasping His left hand with her left hand, swooning slightly is held by Evangelist John, nimbed. Nicodemus, head draped, holds feet of Christ. Two Holy Women, nimbed and veiled, one holding covered jar with both hands, and old man, with joined hands, are in background.
Margins decorated with border of floreate rinceaux.
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