225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Spain, Valencia, ca. 1468
M.450 fol. 124v
Scene, Burlesque: Hunting -- In lower margin, small nude male, raising arrow with right hand, rests left arm on blue pomegranate; another small nude male emerges from split in side of the pomegranate, raising his right hand. Both look toward bull, bleeding from wound in side caused by two spears, emerging from split in side of another pomegranate. Nude male figure, holding two spears with right hand, raising another spear with left hand, emerges from top of the pomegranate. Fourth nude male figure stands behind the fruit blowing dart from blowgun.
Above the scene is scroll inscribed UT CUIUS LETAMUR, catchwords for following folio, 125r.
Text is from feast of apostle Barnabas, 11 June.
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