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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Roman de la Rose
France, Paris, between 1340 and 1350
MS M.48 fol. 2r

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1) Roman de la Rose: Hate -- Personification of Hate, name twice inscribed HAINE in rubric, wearing draped headdress, sits on bench, grasps her head in profile with both hands.
Figure against diapered background decorated with fleur-de-lis and within pink frame of miniature decorated with foliate tendrils on three sides.
In bottom left column, rubric label, HAINE.
Below miniature, champide initial T decorated with foliate ornament and tendrils, at beginning of text, TR(E)S OU LE MILIEU UI HAINE / QUI DE COUROUS ET D’ATAINE.
2) Roman de la Rose: Villainy -- Personification of Villainy, name inscribed VILONNIE in rubric, wearing hood, sits in profile on bench decorated with quatrefoil oculus enclosing foliage, her mouth opened, possibly spitting into bowl held with both hands.
Figure against patterned background within frame of blue miniature decorated with foliate tendrils on three sides.
Above miniature, rubric label, VILONNIE.
Below miniature, champide initial A decorated with foliate ornament and tendrils, at beginning of text, APPELLEE ESTOIT UILONNIE / UNE YMAGE QUI FELON(N)IE.

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