225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, perhaps Paris, ca. 1465
MS M.1027 fol. 19r
Pentecost -- Virgin Mary, nimbed, kneels before two sided lectern, looking toward, and turning pages of book on the lectern. She is surrounded by twelve apostles, nimbed, kneeling, some only nimbi visible, four with joined hands, most looking up, one in foreground, bending toward floor. Tongues of fire descend from dove of Holy Ghost, nimbed, hovering above. Canopy hangs above the lectern.
Scene in room with room with leaded windows.
Initial D decorated with foliate ornament.
Margins decorated with border of foliate and floreate ornament including fern, viola and columbine, and with scroll inscribed DU SURPLUS, motto of Benoît Damian of Blois.
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