225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Spain, Valencia, ca. 1468
M.450 fol. 3v
Shepherds: Annunciation -- Of five shepherds, one, wearing flask or purse on cord over left shoulder, holding pedum with mittened right hand, raises left hand to shield eyes; the second raises left hand; another, wearing hood, with dog at his feet, looks upward; one, wearing hood, plays bagpipe; and the fifth, wearing headgear, holding pedum (?) with right hand, is seated on ground. They stand around tripod from which hangs kettle over fire. Ladle rests on top of the kettle. In foreground is inflated animal skin with cord (wine skin), and pestle in mortar. Above the shepherds, angel, nimbed, hovers holding with both hands scroll inscribed EVA(N)GELIZO U(O)B(IS) GAUDIU(M) Q(U)I(A) NAT(U)S E(ST) U(O)B(IS) HODIE SALUATUR (Luke 2:10, variant). To right of the angel, four other angels, nimbed, appear behind scroll, held by two hands, inscribed GL(O)RIA I(N) ALTISSIMIS DEO ET I(N) T(ER)RA PAX H(OMIN)IB(US) BONE UOLU(NTATIS) (Luke 2:14, variant).
At left are several sheep, one ram wearing collar with bell, and crouching dog gnawing bone; in background two rams standing on hind legs, butt heads; at right, one of two asses eats from basket and the other looks up toward angel. Next to rocky outcrop, two shepherds, one seated possibly playing bagpipe, the other looking upward. Sheep at right. City on hill at right.
Frame of miniature inscribed PASTORES LOQVEBANTVR AD INVICEM. TRANSEAMVS VSQVE BETLEEM ET VIDEAMVS HOCH VERBUM QVOD FACTVM EST ET DOMINVS OSTENDIT NOBIS (Luke 2:15, variant). Inscription beginning top of left margin, continuing down, and then across lower margin, starting again in upper margin and continuing down right margin.
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