225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Gospel Book
Italy, San Benedetto Po, between 1075 and 1099
MS M.492 fol. 84r
Christ: Purging of Temple.
Zone 1:
Christ, scalloped crossed nimbus, walking from open door of building (on frame surrounding miniature), holds upraised scourge in right hand, and with His left hand holds scroll, inscribed AUFERTE ISTA HINC E(T) NOLITE FACERE DOMU(M) P(AT)RIS MEI DOMU(M) NEGOTIATIONIS from John 2:16, and SC(RI)PT(UM) E(ST) E(N)I(M) DOM(US) M(E)A ORA(TION)IS UOCABI(TUR) UOS (AUTEM) FECISTIS EA(M) SPELUNCA(M) LATRONU(M) from Matthew 21:13. He advances toward two moneychangers, one beardless, falling, and three tables with coins upon them, two falling, one with birds upon it; to right, merchant carrying small keg on staff on left shoulder flees.
To right, outside frame, are three merchants, one of whom holds bird in his left hand.
Zone 2:
To left, merchant holding yoke of two oxen sells them to another merchant holding coins, and standing beside drove of nine oxen; behind animals stands merchant holding bird in right hand. To right, merchant, pointing toward Christ above, stands before table with coins, which are gathered by another merchant seated on chair.
To right, outside frame, are three merchants accompanied by two oxen.
Zone 3:
To left, two men, one with coins in his left hand, buy three birds from merchant seated on chair beside table upon which are coins. To right, three merchants, one pointing toward Christ, one holding bird in his left hand, flee; they are accompanied by an ox.
Scene within frame decorated with foliate design and supported by fantastic, human-headed animal and beardless man.
Below, initial I decorated with foliage, at beginning of rubric of Gospel of John.
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