225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
Italy, Florence, between 1490 and 1499
MS M.14 fol. 104v
David: Spoiling of Goliath -- David, nimbed, wearing breastplate, with sling held at waist, holds scimitar in right hand and stands with left foot on severed head of Goliath. The body, bleeding from neck wound, lays on ground beside the head. Scene in landscape with trees, and distant city and mountains.
In margins are floreate ornament, flowers, and birds. In medallion in left margin, nimbed, bearded prophet raises right hand and holds scroll in left hand. Above medallion are two cherubs, kneeling and joining hands. Two more cherubs sit back to back below amid vinescroll, and above medallion are two birds. In upper margin, two cherubs flank and hold medallion inscribed with arms of Pitti-Taddei de'Gaddi (azure a cross bettonn³be or). In right margin, in elongated medallion is woman, holding roll in left hand. Kneeling on medallion is cherub. Above is a bird, and below is another cherub. In lower margin in medallion is male prophet, nimbed, bearded, with right hand pointing upward and holding scroll in left hand. The medallion is flanked and held by two cherubs.
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