225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Gospel Book
Italy, San Benedetto Po, between 1075 and 1099
MS M.492 fol. 101r
Zone 1:
1) Apostle, Peter: Denial -- Maidservant, emerging from door of building, holds in her right hand scroll inscribed NU(M)Q(UI)D (ET) TU EX DISCIP(U)LIS E(IUS) ES, and NUN(N)E (sic) EGO TE UIDI I(N) HORTO CU(M) ILLO from John 18:17, 26. With her left hand she points toward Peter, scalloped nimbus, who with his left hand holds scroll inscribed NO(N) SU(M) from John 18:17, and VERE NESCIO HOMINE(M) from Mark 14:71.
2) Christ: bearing Cross -- Eleven men, three holding spears, one with torch, and one with roll, follow bearded man, possibly Simon of Cyrene, who holds transverse arm of cross borne by Christ, scalloped crossed nimbus.
Zone 2:
Christ: Crucifixion -- Christ, scalloped crossed nimbus, inclined head, long loin cloth, is affixed with four nails to cross with titulus and suppedaneum, and placed above hillock from which three streams emerge. Above transverse cross-arm are two disks enclosing heads of Personifications of Sun and Moon. Below, Virgin Mary, veiled, with her left hand raised to her cheek, and Evangelist John, holding book under his left arm, stand mourning; both have scalloped nimbi. All are flanked by two thieves, wearing long loin cloths, their arms bound behind transverse cross-arms, on hillocks from which three streams emerge.
Zone 3:
Holy Women at Sepulcher -- Two veiled Holy Women sit on hilly ground beside angel, scalloped nimbus, holding staff in left hand, seated on lid placed across sarcophagus. He points toward door of tomb building in mountain on side of which is grave cloth. In right foreground sit three soldiers, each with spear and shield, one with scabbard at waist.
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