225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
France, perhaps Metz, 1370-1380
MS M.88 fol. 175v
Christ: Betrayal and Arrest, and Apostle, Peter: cutting off Ear of Malchus -- One of three soldiers, wearing helmets and chain mail, raises lantern; all stand beside Judas kissing Christ, cross-nimbed, holding book in right hand and extending left hand to ear of Malchus kneeling with hands raised, in front of Apostle Peter, nimbed, sheathing sword, and nimbed apostle.
Scene on gold background attached to decorated initial I.
Left margin:
Hybrid woman plays bellows with branch; bird.
Right margin:
Dog confronts lion.
Lower margin (bas-de-page):
Dog faces lion.
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