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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Vita S. Benedicti
Italy, perhaps in Padua, ca. 1450
MS M.184 fol. 1r

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Miniature, left compartment: Benedict of Montecassino: Scene, Gregory delivering Vita to Monks -- Gregory the Great, nimbed, wearing triple-crowned papal tiara, sits on canopied throne on platform, holding open book (Vita) with pseudo-inscriptions on his lap, flanked by two seated cardinals, wearing cardinal’s hats and vestments, all before tonsured Peter the Deacon, wearing cardinal’s robe, with right hand raised, surrounded by Constantine of Montecassino, Valentinianus the Benedictine, Simplicius of Montecassino, and Honoratus of Fondi, all kneeling, tonsured and wearing monk’s habits, the foremost with joined hands raised. Miniature, right compartment: Four male youths, two wearing hats, all before three cowled monks, possibly including Constantine of Montecassino, Valentinianus the Benedictine, Simplicius of Montecassino, and Honoratus of Fondi, one raising right hand. Interior scenes with arched windows. Miniature within architectural frame for Introduction of Book II of Dialogues.

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