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Book of Hours
Germany, possibly Bamberg, 1204-1219
MS M.739 fol. 23v

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Zone 1:
1) Christ: Deposition -- Christ, cross-nimbed, in loin cloth, is affixed with two nails in feet on suppedaneum of cross on mound. Virgin Mary, nimbed, veiled, supports His right arm detached from the cross; crowned king, kneeling, holds ointment jar; Joseph of Arimathea supports His torso; and Nicodemus with pincers extracts nail from His left hand on the cross. They are flanked by three nimbed apostles, including Evangelist John, name inscribed IOH(ANN)ES EW(AN)G(E)LISTA, all with hands raised.
Scene caption, inscribed HIE NIMT MAN IN VON DEM CRUCE.
Zone 2:
2) Christ: Entombment -- Christ, cross-nimbed, shrouded, is lowered into sarcophagus by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, both nimbed. They are flanked by two veiled nimbed Holy Women, and Virgin Mary, nimbed, wearing cross-inscribed veil, and by Evangelist John and apostle, both nimbed.
Scene caption, inscribed HIE LEGEN SI IN IN DAZ GRAB.
Zone 3:
3) Holy Women: at Sepulcher -- Three nimbed Holy Women, two veiled, and one wearing cross-inscribed veil, hold ointment jars and swing censers above sarcophagus with lifted lid on which nimbed angel, inscribed ANGELUS, sits with right hand pointing to the sarcophagus and holding floreate scepter in left hand. In foreground are three soldiers in mail, armed with shields; one sits with eyes open, the second lies asleep on the shield, and the third sits behind the lid.
Scene caption, inscribed HIE SU(O)CHEN IN DRI MARIEN.

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