225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1500
MS M.1170. Fol. 117v
1) Stephen Protomartyr: Stoning and Christ: appearing to Stephen Protomartyr -- Three-quarter figure of Stephen Protomartyr, nimbed, tonsured, with stone lodged in skull, bleeding from wound and kneeling with hands raised toward bust of Christ in camaïeu, emitting rays, in cloudy arc of heaven. In background, man, wearing hat, stands amid stones; in hilly landscape with trees.
Miniature for beginning of Suffrage to Stephen Protomartyr.
2) Beneath arch, three-quarter figure of Lawrence of Rome, nimbed, tonsured, wearing deacon's vestments, with right hand on handle of gridiron and with left hand holding open book with pseudo-inscriptions.
Miniature for beginning of Suffrage to Lawrence of Rome.
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