225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
Belgium, probably Brussels, 1533
MS M.491 fol. 123r
Christ: Crucifixion -- Christ, rayed nimbus, wearing crown of thorns and short loin cloth, bleeding from wounds, is affixed with three nails to cross with titulus inscribed INRI.
He is flanked by Evangelist John, nimbed, supporting Virgin Mary, nimbed, veiled, with lowered hands clapsed, and by the Centurion, wearing armor, holding bannered spear in left hand, standing among soldiers.
Mary Magdalen, kneeling, grasps base of the cross and glances up toward Christ. Skull and bones are strewn on ground.
In background is landscape with buildings.
Miniature and text framed by architectural border.
Initial D decorated with foliate ornament begins None of Long Hours of the Cross.
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