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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
Belgium, probably Brussels, 1533
MS M.491 fol. 124r

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Christ: Deposition -- Joseph of Arimathea, standing on ladder propped against tau cross with titulus INRI, grasps end of cloth wrapped around chest of Christ, rayed nimbus, wearing short loin cloth, as he lowers His body into arms of man below. Second man, on another ladder, supports legs of Christ.
Below, to left, Evangelist John, nimbed, supports Virgin Mary, nimbed, veiled, seated on ground. To right, Mary Magdalen grasps legs of Christ with both hands. Crown of thorns and three nails are on ground beside her.
In background is landscape.
Miniature and text framed by architectural border.
Initial D decorated with foliate ornament begins Vespers of Long Hours of the Cross.

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