225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Speculum humanae salvationis
Germany, probably Nuremberg, between 1350 and 1400
MS M.140 fol. 21v
Left column:
Christ: mocked -- Christ, crossed nimbus, wearing blindfold, hands crossed, possibly bound, on abdomen is seated on bench (?) with footrest. Man at left extends left hand to chin of Christ. Above him is inscription P(RO)PH(E)TIZA NOB(IS) XPE Q(UI)D E(ST) Q(UI) TE P(ER)CUSSIT (Matthew 26:68) Of two men at right, one raises left hand, and the other holds branch in left hand.
Caption, XPC FUIT UELAT(US) CONSPUTUS ET COLAPHIZATUS, is inscribed above miniature.
Right column:
Hur: mocked by Israelites -- Hur, name inscribed HUR, red nimbus, with hands bound, is seated on bench with footrest, looking to right. He is flanked by seven men, one wearing Jew's hat, two extending hands to him, one indicating him.
Caption, HUR UIR MARIE SPUTIS INDEO(RUM) SUFFOCATUR, is inscribed above miniature.
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